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Irs Issues Guidance On Tax Treatment Of Energy Efficiency Rebates

April 22, 2024

"Discover IRS guidance on tax-free energy efficiency rebates under the Inflation Reduction Act, including eligibility and savings."

President Biden’s Proposed Budget Highlights His Tax Agenda

March 21, 2024

An overview of the major tax proposals included in the 2025 President Biden budget.

Take Action Now To Reduce Your 2023 Income Tax Bill

November 10, 2023

Here are some year-end tax planning strategies and steps to consider as 2023 comes to a close.

IRS Issues Guidance On New Retirement Catch-Up Contribution Rules

September 12, 2023

Learn the latest IRS guidance on new retirement catch-up contribution rules, with implications for both employers and employees.

Corporate Officers or Shareholders: How Should You Treat Expenses Paid Personally?

July 18, 2023

If you play a major role in a closely held corporation, you may sometimes spend money on corporate expenses personally. Learn how they are treated.

Social Security’s Future: The Problem and the Proposals

May 30, 2023

Learn about Congress proposals that aim to tackle the problem about the impending insolvency of the Social Security program.

IRS Guidance Coming Regarding the IRA’s Clean Vehicle Credit

May 2, 2023

On April 17, 2023, the IRS will publish proposed regulations to clarify how a CV can qualify for the credit...

Reading the tea leaves: Potential tax legislation in the new Congress

February 16, 2023

A review of certain provisions in existing laws may indicate the many areas ripe for tax legislation action in the next two years of Congress...

The Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES) With Comments

March 30, 2021

Learn more about The Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES) signed on March 27...

COVID-Related Tax Relief Act of 2020 (COVIDTRA) Summary

December 29, 2020

Here is a summary of the relief advantages that are in the COVID-Related Tax Relief Act of 2020...

IRS Urges Public to Stay Alert for Scam Phone Calls

February 15, 2018

The IRS continues to warn consumers to guard against scam phone calls from thieves’ intent on stealing their money...

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